woensdag 31 maart 2010

Troubleshooting DNS, MX and your Internet IP

Ever wanted to know more about troubleshooting DNS, then this Microsoft site is gonna help you alot. following Microsoft URL give you a lot of info on DNS (on Windows systems)

If you want to check your MX records then go to this URL: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa998082(EXCHG.65).aspx

Nslookups, whois, ping etc. can be done at Network Tools.

When I want to now from which IP a PC is surfing the internet I always go to: http://www.mywanip.com/

dinsdag 30 maart 2010

Hide user accounts from the Windows XP

Sometimes when you install computers for friends and foe, you wanna make an adminaccount so you are able to login no matter what they do with the machine...

You also want to make it hidden, so the XP/Vista welcomescreen won't say: "Admin", next to "Joe", "Cassandra" and son "Mike".... also making it hidden keeps you from explaning over and over again to less computer savy people why you did it and why it's is showing.

To hide a useraccount, fire up regedit and go to:


Under this key create a new DWORD value – the name must match the user's name exactly, and the value must be 0 or 1 (decimal format)

0 – Hides the user just from the welcome screen
1 – The user is shown

Fortunaly the guys at IntelliAdmin made a tool with a GUI so you won't have to dig into the registry anymore to hide a local useraccount. You can dowload it from here or go read the original article at: http://www.intelliadmin.com/index.php/2006/09/hide-user-accounts-from-the-windows-xp-welcome-screen/

Measure your networkspeed

Sometimes you want to test your network's throughput, this tool does the trick.
Please go to http://linhost.info/2010/02/iperf-on-windows/ (examples and screenshots) to download the program and check it out.
Thanks Ferdinand to point me to this url.

Camtasia alternative

If your looking for an Camtasia alternative, look no further, use: Camstudio.
It's a fair opensource Camtasia alternative.
You can download it at http://camstudio.org/